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 Introducing Stanford University for
Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence

inteligencia artificial



Artificial Intelligence has the potential to help us realize our shared dream of a better future for all of humanity, but it will bring with it challenges and opportunities we can’t yet foresee.

At Stanford HAI, our vision for the future is led by our commitment to studying, guiding and developing human-centered AI technologies and applications. We believe AI should be collaborative, augmentative, and enhancing to human productivity and quality of life.

Our Mission: To advance AI research, education, policy, and practice to improve the human condition.

Stanford HAI leverages the university’s strength across all disciplines, including: business, economics, education, genomics, law, literature, medicine, neuroscience, philosophy and more. These complement Stanford's tradition of leadership in AI, computer science, engineering and robotics.

Our goal is for Stanford HAI to become an interdisciplinary, global hub for AI thinkers, learners, researchers, developers, builders and users from academia, government and industry, as well as leaders and policymakers who want to understand and leverage AI’s impact and potential.

Nuestro objetivo es que Stanford HAI se convierta en un centro interdisciplinario y global para pensadores, aprendices, investigadores, desarrolladores y constructores de IA de la academia, el gobierno y la industria, así como líderes y formuladores de políticas que quieran comprender y aprovechar el impacto y el potencial de AI.