Visto: 5457


alas-alianza blanco-negro 

Universal  Spiritual  Union, Inc.
Human Welfare – Free University – World Brotherhood – Enlightening Guidance and Protection
International Confederation of Fraternal, Artistic, Civic, Learned, Religious and Benevolent Mutualistic Societies and Movements

World-wide Syndicate of Writers, Students, Professionals, Scientists, Legislators, State men
Ministers of all Religions, and all Lovers of Truth, Peace and Freedom.  Universal Life Unlimited Cooperated
The Parliament of Man. Social Security Service. Cosmocracy. The United States of Free People of the World

Ref. ...........................Please answer to:




A  TIMELY  REMINDER        LAST  NOTICE          (1947) ... 2010 ....

 Sometime ago you registered as a Member of the UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL UNION, and we expressed to you our appreciation as well as our Welcome, with the hope that we would get better acquainted and become the best of Friends. This is, of course, a primary step toward the accomplishment of the noble ideal which attracted you to our Corporation.

We want you to know that the UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL UNION is dependent on the EFFORTS, ENDEAVORS and GOODWILL of each and all of its Members.

If the individuals fail, the collectivity becomes bankrupt in every way, and thereupon runs to its doom.  In our case, it is not only a Society or a Group of people that would fall and disrupt, but the UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL UNION. Fortunately enough, the U.S.U. is not dependent on the frailties and failures of some irresponsible individuals, and thanks to the noble character of the great majority of its components it is still the vehicle of the great Values of which it is the chosen guardian and actualizer.

The portents of the U.S.U. as a regenerating Social System for the New Age (Aquarian) are each day more and more valid, because they meet the needs of the world at large, and also because they embody the great values that are the Essentials of Life.  The Members of our Cosmic Communion are responsible for the achievements which we wish to proclaim, and if we are a Universal Brotherhood it is primarily because of the fact that we not only adhere to great ideals of Humanitarian and Cosmic import, but because we abide by them.

A Teaching which does not attend to human needs is a faulty and insignificant Teaching.  We stress very specially this particular because we know that knowledge or an ideal is not valid or creative if it is not deeply felt, or lived. What really counts in our life is not what we believe, or what doctrine we cling to, but the earnestness, and the mental intensiveness with which we conform ourselves. Theories mean nothing ultimately: what is really vital is the way we feel and live. A Teaching or a philosophy that is intricate, elaborate, sumptuous and impressive is, to say the least, meaningless and futile, because it is lifeless and uninspiring no matter how prestigious it may have been made by zealous partisans. But in the U.S.U. we aim at self-betterment and ultimate enlightenment, including personal development, psychological capacitation, preparedness in economic needs, and, last but not least, Spiritual unfoldment.

These Teachings of ours are practical and all-englobing. They attend to all the human needs first of all, and then to the transcendental significance of Life, such as Cosmic Communion and Spiritual reintegration.  Thus, the cherished aims of the adherents of all earnest philosophies and honest religious ideals are met in our Unique, Universal Realization of Life.

Our Ministry is one of Vibrant Living, and this is made possible through Self-Regeneration and Integral Human Vitalization. Our technique deals with Creative Consciousness, and while this may not be easily discerned or understood at first, our Students will find untold advantages in meeting the demands of Life through those wonderful means. We certainly depart from the beaten paths of doctrinal metaphysics and dogmatic traditions, but this does not mean that we are just essayists or novel and enthusiastic thrill seekers.  On the contrary, our Teachings are well proven, and they are honored by the Great Universal Brotherhood and all the great Spiritual mentors of past ages.

The UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL UNION is concerned with the welfare of the whole of humanity as well as that of its Members, and that explains its vigorous moral implications, its mighty Spiritual imports, and its interest in regenerating the human race until it produces the ideal Cosmic Man or Celestial Soul.

However, we are practical to the core.  That explains our Social Security System, our economic rehabilitation plan, our educational facilities and all the phases of our Impersonal Service.  We dare say that you have sensed all this, and we only refer to it because we want you to realize more completely the full import and significance of the UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL UNION.

Your continued attention to the mechanism and applications of the U.S.U. will familiarize you with the secret forces that change the world and also with the eternal values that guide and vitalize human evolution. We do not seek to baffle people with strange occult formulas and mystic doctrines; we even avoid lengthy texts. We feel confident that by solving all human problems, as we do, we actually contribute to the happiness and progress of the world  more than any other system.  Truly enough, we command no form of Faith, nor underwrite any of the much vaunted political theories of the day, but our Teachings banish all FEAR, annihilate all WORRIES, eradicate  all AILMENTS, transcend all SUFFERING, and dissolve all current DOUBTS and CONFUSION. What else can be asked of us ? Does any existing system of thought or cult foster anything comparable to our accomplishments ?

The world is now in the throes of DISTRUST, HATE, IGNOMINY, DISHEARTENING IGNORANCE, AS WELL AS ALL SORTS OF VICES AND MISERIES, and no remedy to this is to be expected from the timeworn systems that vie for supremacy.  Humanity has just gone through a nightmare of fiendish barbarianism, and now the glamorous diplomats who purport to streamline the world for Peace are mainly concerned with evil designs and selfish schemes, which can only bring out other wars.  It is obvious  Peace, Progress and Personal attainment are not the luscious fruits of common “isms”.  In fact they must be produced only by individuals, within themselves.

In its keynote of Spiritual Vitalization the UNIVERSAL  SPIRITUAL  UNION strives to enlighten its Members, but all attainments are strictly dependent on personal effort.  That is why we so strongly emphasize continued endeavor, and constant exertion of self.

We also wish to bring your attention to the fact that the U.S.U. is just what it stands for, i.e.: Universal appreciation of Principles and Universal captation of forces; Spiritual endeavor, and Unity of purpose, Unity of Human Brotherhood, and Unity of ultimate attainment.

Remember, each and all of the Members of the U.S.U. contribute to your personal welfare; and your own mental forces and efforts (mentalization) contribute to the accomplishment of the aims of the U.S.U.

Please let us hear from you at regular intervals.

In times as tragic as these it is morbous to procrastinate.

Not to do anything in the presence of crime, vice, misery, suffering and ignorance, is to partake in them, and even to foment them.  But if any of these conditions prevail in yourself, it is ludicrous, to say the least, to tolerate them any further, when  the UNIVERSAL  SPIRITUAL UNION can eradicate or prevent them.

May we always register your best efforts.

May the greater powers of the Universe assist you.

Most devotedly yours,

Maha Chohan Kut Humi Lal Singh
Pr. OM. Cherenzi- Lind


P.D.--- Our’s is a Cultural, Mutualist and Spiritual Corporation. We have no quarrels with anyone, and we consider all Schools of thought or systems of Faith as good as their followers wish to praise them. However, it must be understood that we are above worldly discrimination and mundane conventions. The truth is, in fact, we are Members-Brethren-Friends of the Great Cosmic Realm, and our Soul is steadfast on Universal Principles and Spiritual Values even beyond purely human conditions. That is why we deem ourselves above race, political schemes and frontiers, church and sectarian groups, and all clannish designs.  Yet, let it not be said that we are unpractical just because we are such transcendentalists.  We are vitalists at heart, and we cater to a PRACTICAL IDEALISM. We are Humanists in the morrow, and we are what we are because of our finer concepts and expanded consciousness, and, above all, we refuse to be victims of any sort of Fear, Limitation, Sickness, Failure, Worry, Meanness, or Unhappiness. We are Triumphant Souls of Universal Life Unlimited Cooperated !

 We are all Members-Brethren-Friends of the greater Cosmic Body of the Spiritual Man, now and always, here and in the beyond. Why not be one of us?

This is the newer, greater conception of the Free, Sublimated Soul, the Way of Life of the Cosmic Man of the New Age. Would you not try to rescue yourself from the mire and delusions of the past, and from the conflicts, problems, complexes and weariness of the present ? We wish to welcome you in the Realm of Expanded Consciousness.

Come, adhere to the U.S.U.,
and you will never regret it 

MEMENTO                  WHY NOT ?  

           MEMENTO                              WHY  NOT ?



-          Could you ever lose interest in these important matters ?

-          Do you keep your promises? Have we ever failed to keep any of our offers or promises?

-          Did you interest your relatives and friends to become Members of the UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL UNION ? How many have enrolled ?

-          Do you study one of our Courses ? What progress have you made so far ?

-          What new suggestions have you presented to us, toward a better Service ?

-          Do you send in your Dues and Offerings regularly ? Can you do better ?

-          Can you help more effectively ? If so, how ?

-          If you find anything wrong in the U.S.U. would you mind telling us what it is ?

-          Use the AIRMAIL in writing us, mention your inscription number, and send us a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the answer. Please mail us your Dues or Offerings in advance. Your contribution enable us to keep up our free Social and Educational Service throughout the World. Our organization is a combination of EDUCATION, RELIGION, CHARITY, COSMIC BROTHERHOOD and SPIRITUAL COMMUNION.  What is YOUR part in it ?

Secretary General

Gloria Lucero
