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The New Age World Press Service (NAWPS)



(Activities to reactivate)

The NEW AGE PRESS SERVICE reaches the far corners of the whole world with the exact characteristics of happenings and the real definition of people, thus promoting reliable INFORMATION for all mankind. Our main interest, in fact, consists in presenting the NEWS in the light of the permanent, vital interests of humanity, not merely to suit the passing whims and arising delusions of people in keeping with the designs of certain sects, or mafias, or the dictates of any political party, or to suit the needs of whatever mystical totalitarianism, or invisible tyranny, or self-styled “Messiah”. This makes it, in the words of historian Stephan Zweig, “The only source and vehicle of unbiased and uncommissioned INFORMATION in the whole world”.

This unique FREE WORLD RELIABLE “INFORMATION” is not intended to convince and conquer people, either by way of deceit or threat, to suit the private interests of sects, nations, cartels, or parties and clans of some sort by way or PROPAGANDA. In reality, this epoch-making New Age PRESS SERVICE is intended, primarily, to inform and guide world leaders and earnest-minded publicists, as it reaches at regular intervals the Heads of all the Member organizations of the UNIVERSAL HUMANIST, CULTURAL AND SPIRITUAL ALLIANCE and the Permanent WORLD CONGRESS OF MAN (of all the Religions, Faiths, Fraternities and Philosophies) through pre-determined adequate channels. That is why it is, as asserted by the Rt. Rev. Chas Manning, “the Trusted informative and guiding COSMIC VOICE upon which hundreds of millions of people rely throughout the whole world”.

This SERVICE constitutes a Sacred Ministry, as it is intended to safeguard the better interests of Humanity at large. Our responsible sources of INFORMATION are, of course, the bulk of the Member-organizations of the UNIVERSAL HUMANIS, CULTURAL, AND SPIRITUAL ALLIANCE and the WORLD CONGRESS OF MAN (of all the Religions, Faiths, Fraternities and Philosophies). Furthermore, we take advantage of the idoneous service of a staff of prestigious and honorable journalists and publicists in all countries, who integrate the World Association of Independent Journalists and Publicists and the World Registry of Educational, Cultural and Informative Publications. As already well established, this rigorously truthful INFORMATION is trustworthy to the utmost, being nor – propagandistic and non-mercantile, and above religious bias as well as political partisanship of whatever sort, or personal prejudice. It is undauntedly and unswervingly in the exclusive SERVICE OF Divine Law, Spiritual Truth, Human Conscience and dignity as well as Humanitarian designs, and the Golden Rule of Love and Righteousness.

This SERVICE of information and guidance is intended to bring closer together the people the whole world, by making known each other’s problems, needs, endeavors and aspirations, and also by striving to CO-OPERATE in benefit and to the advantage of all. That is why we refer exclusively to such NEWS that affect all mankind, and constitute permanently vital interests. We would not lose our time dwelling on the many marriages of foolish damsels, the manias of decrepit “nobles” of ominous defunct monarchies, the colds and aches of a Pontiff, the antics of criminals and masterminds of sordidness, the military coups d´Etat of Latin America, the growls of American senators against Cuban or the Hollywood vice scandals. Neither would we ever indulge in false accusations, vicious slander, foul insinuations, and character assassination, which are so common items of the daily News Agencies. We rather promote true Love, Peace, Brotherhood and understanding, and build on human dignity rather than exploit ignorance, political corruption, moral deprivation, social injustice, and glorify vice, or promote superstition and fancy metaphysical promises, or doctrinal delusions. By offering the best news and opportunities of the respectable and commandable organizations which toil for true Spiritual Communion World Peace, human rehabilitation, and UNITED MANKIND we enhance human dignity and effectively promote the genuine WORLD BROTHERHOOD CO-OPERATIVE-COMMONWEALTH OF MAN.

People, organization, nations and continents know too little about each other. They are separated by artificial barriers of poisonous prejudice, dogmatic abysses, walls of interests, swamps of intolerance, dangerous fiords of ill will, tempests of unfriendliness and discrimination, ditches of jealousy, citadels of selfishness, and oceans of unruly passions, which would nevertheless dissolve asunder if people were better illustrated, more educated, and less ignorant about each other´s thoughts, feelings, ideals, problems, miseries, and spiritual aspirations. The immediate aims of the NAPS are to achieve excellence in becoming one of the most effective BIDGES of understanding and GOLDEN LINKS of human brotherhood the world has ever witnessed, or yearned for.

By placing reliable INFORMATION within reach of all the Member organization and registered publications and persons, the hideous ghost of ignorance, superstition, confusion, and divisionism are definitely warded off, or destroyed. There is no possible excuse, thereupon, for any sort of misunderstanding or for unkind and unfriendly, or unbrotherly attitudes among the people of the world.

Certainly, the best way to keep people in serfdom, miserable, and blind to the truth of life is by maintaining them in complete ignorance, narrow-mindedness, stupidity, and superstitious fear. Nothing prevents people from being free, noble-hearted, dignified and happy – like fetishism, sanctimonious hypocrisy, mental blankness and idiotic superciliousness, or the acts which deprive them of FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE and ample information, which is the foundation of true education.

All the participants of this unique “verified” INFORMATIVE SERVICE are pledged to dwell on “The TRUTH, the whole TRUTH, nothing but the TRUTH”, for exact information is the only way to Right and Creative Thinking, and only well, amply and rightly informed people can really be dignified, free, respectable, progressive, and happy WORLD CITIZENS of a genuine, peaceful and brotherly COMMONWEALTH OF UNITED MANKIND.

Our noble and sacred Mission consists in making the genuine Truth known, honored, and cherished, authenticated by unquestionable historic reality and expressed in comprehensive terms, affording at the same time an ample vision of world affairs for the responsible leaders of people. What is more, we always strive to place forward the vital and eternal interests of Humanity, the unquestionable Spiritual values, and the real sense of universal life.

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We need qualified and truthful Representatives in all the nations and localities. Also World Correspondents capable of covering war regions, calamity stricken countries, World Congresses and International events in general, and to discover the greatest NEWS among the suffering HUMAN masses. Adequate credentials are issued each year.

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The NEW AGE PRESS SERVICE affords truthful reliable and unbiased INFORMATION on Freewill Co-operation basis – to all the Member organizations of the UNIVERSAL HUMANIST, CULTURAL AND SPIRITUAL ALLIANCE and the WORLD CONGRESS OF MAN, as well as to all the nations’ Official Informative Agencies and all registered Publications, News Agencies. “Complimentary” service is extended to all persons having expressed their wish. All items are: (NAPS)



-          Beware of the one that boasts Wisdom and claims to live for Brotherliness, yet will not accept to meet you half the way on the road of Understanding. There are braggarts who are self-centered by their own convenience, and others who simply cannot be anything else because they are too raw, too incipient, too vulgar, too brutally selfish!

-          Don´t let appearances deceit you. Some people are devotional only because they are sick, or merely because they want to be recognized as pure souls!

-          Let no one speak to you in the name of God, Love, Justice, or Noblesse, unless they are themselves a paramount exponent of such implications! Noblesse Oblige.

-          Do not trust any person who is vain, boastful or prejudiced. These people will likewise mislead you, and even misconstrue you whenever they can!