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“We are as great as the mysteries which we love, cater, serve and glorify”


“We reflect our deities, for they correspond to our innermost characteristics. It is, indeed, a matter of human beingness in quest of realization and divine attainment”.


Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig

The dawning intelligence of man had to set out to wonder what the grandeous, bewitching, unutterable spectacle of life all around him as well as within was about. He was indubitably awe struck, and all his experiences and remarks unfailingly conduced him to endless queries and finally to infinite questions. Not only did he fail to understand it all but he could not make out the why or when, nor the whence and how, and much less the prime cause as well as the ultimate end of life and all.

Time has passed, possibly two million years[1] since man first began to use his intelligence outwardly, that is for more motives than exclusively animalistic or instinctive, and rather selfishly than socially, collectively or universally (cosmically). His consciousness had to evolve from barely awareness to a mechanism of matching and cohesive force and multiple forms of difference and diffuse consciousness.

At first man was bewildered, obfuscated, confused, marveled, awestruck, and he continued to evolve with his cloudy notions and imprecise impressions. He did rather well, at least he managed to occupy a place of significance and of unquestionable power amid the rest of creation. But he never knew who or what was the creator, or why, how, when, out of what and what for was creation ever undertaken.

Man has tried hard, insistently and consistently to get at the root cause of all, because somehow, he realized that if he possessed that secret life would be much easy and he would be much happier.

Time has passed, and this very day, man continues with growing concern, eagerly and very earnestly his great quest as though his whole existence depends on this knowledge. This attitude, of course, is about all the wisdom he has attained. But he remains today as confused, perplexed, uncertain and awe-struck as ever before. Science makes admirable progress also in the fields of art, philosophy and religion. But in the face of the wonderful spectacle of life of the whole universe we all still need to learn much. We must keep on searching everywhere and always, but above all within ourselves. For even the tiniest part of ourself is also a part of the great infinite universe.

Divinity, we dare say, is also closely connoted with the human individual. To what extent this is true is what we are endeavoring to discover. Meanwhile we reach the truth, some of us may worship the unknown. What would be sheer folly is to deny or reject outright that which we do not know and may never really understand.

H.H. The illustrious Koot Hoomi Lal Singh

Lord Regent of the Aghartha

About the only person who refused to be associated with, related to or likened to any sort of worldly deity.

*** God, Gods must necessarily die when they are only fanciful creations of some superstitious or deluded faithist. People then exchange deities as their fancy command. The gods also die, murdered by their most fervent faithful, indeed, when these uphold them in vain, worship them hypocritically and behave shamefully against their commandments, enjoinments, holy communion and blessings. God and the gods fade away when faith dissolves or is slack and forgotten. But they cannot survive atrocities and infamies perpetrated in their name or in their behalf.

There can be no in-dwelling god where there is neither goodness nor righteousness, extreme kindness and ennobling serenity.


[1] ARIEL Magazine Note. Current Western science tells us about 150,000 years.