Libros, documentos y conferencias en proceso de traducción del inglés y/o francés al español (Se agradece la colaboración para traducciones)
- Révélations. Sur L´Aghartha et le Maha Chohan. Por Venérable Dorgen Lama. 262 p.
- Eléments de Réalisation Spirituelle Essentielle. Message Annuel du Maha Chohan. Wesak 2490 – 1947. Chef de l´Aghartha Sangha. 114 p.
- Les Soirées de Lausanne. Compte Rendu du Congrès de LÚnion Spirituelle Universelle, Lausanne, Novembre 1947. Maha Chohan Kout Houmi Lal Singh. 85 p.
- Tourmente et Terreur sur le Monde. La personnalité véritable du Maha Chohan KUT HUMI LAL SINGH, Régent de L´Aghartha. Par des AGHARTHIENS. 166 p.
- L´Agartha. Mythe ou Réalité? Présence des Initiateurs primordiaux. Par W.R. Chetteoui. 146p.
- Panorama intime d´un Saint Sanctuaire. Un véritable Maitre de Sagesse, de Paix et de Gentillesse parle au monde.
- Voix des Himalayas. Dr. Shri Pam.
- L´Esprit du Nouvel Age. Sir Charles Manning.
- Le Bouddhisme vu par un Bouddhiste. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- Le Boudhisme, Verbe du moment.Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- Le Boudhisme est Spiritualitè. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- What is Budhism? (Lecture). By Lord Abbot
- What we should all know about Budhism. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Budhism, a Scientific Religion and matchless Philosophy. Pr. OM Cherenzi Lind
- L`Idèal actuel du Boudhisme. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig .
- The Budhic Renaissance. H.O. Reed y el Principe de Chan.
- The main text of Buddhism. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Budhism in Mathematical terms. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- First European and American Budhic Congress. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- The Buddism in Burma. A sacred organ of the international Buddhist Mission. Thaton – Burma. By a Mahayanist.
- Budha in the West (Magazine Article): By Lord Abbot.
- Message to the German Budhist (1933. By Lord Abbot.
- Budhism and Christianity (Philosophical paper). By Lord Abbot.
- Meeting Science in Budhic Philosophy. S.A: el Príncipe de Chan.
- The Modern Budhist Renaissance (Magazine Serial). By Lord Abbot.
- The Four Noble Truths of Enlightenment (Lecture). By Lord Abbot
- The Noble Eight-fold Path of Enlightenment (Lecture. By Lord Abbot.
- The Wheel of Life. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- Spiritual Significance of Cosmological Values (Lecture). By Lord Abbot.
- Le constante Mystique. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- L`Amor che mueve il Sole e l`Altre stelle. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- La merveilleuse magie moderne. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- L`Idealisme Transcendantale.Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Les assises rationelles de la mècanique. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Le Caodaisme. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- La tribune potenne. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Les corrèlations conceptuelles, la notion de "loi naturelle" et la conception mathèmatique de "Fonction". Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Militarice religueis. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- La marveilleuse magic modern. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Message to Mr. Jedu Krishnamurti. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Message public au Conte de Keyserling. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- An Important Private Message. A much needed Spiritual Testament for the New Age Mankind.
- Special Message to the Leaders of the Thinking World (1934). By Lord Abbot.
- Confidential Message to the Leaders of the Thinking World. Ven. Kwang Hsih
- A Spiritual Message. To the Honorable Delegates to the 2nd General Assembly of the UNITED NATIONS Organization. By Maha Chohan or Spiritual Director of the Great Universal Brotherhood (Sangha).Special Wesak Message. Spiritual New Year 2480.
- The Modern Masonic Reform. Pr. OM Cherenzi Lind
- The Spiritual Testament-Message for the New Age Mankind. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- What is Esoteric-Spiritual Masonry. Pr. OM Cherenzi Lind
- La fatidiue banqueroute des valeurs romantiques. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
Religion Universelle (En collaboration avec le Dr. August Auvard. 1933). By Lord Abbot.
Le Verb du Moment (Vingt articles de Journal, 1930-1934). By Pr. OM LInd Schernrezig. - Elements of Essential Spiritual Realization. Prolegomena of Spiritual Science or Epistemology of Life. Maha Chohan Kut Humi Lal Singh. 80 p.
- The Cosmic Oracle. The Magic of Spiritual Dynamics. Kwang Hsih. 159 p.
- Biosophy. Practical Humanism for the Millions. A Scientific Religion. The Ill. Kut Humi Lal Singh. 106 p.
- New Age Scientific Economics and Integral Controlled Money. Proposed New Economic System on ample Money Reform. H.H. Pr. OM Cherenzi Lind. 102 p.
- Ancient Wisdom in modern scientific terms. Pr. OM Cherenzi Lind
- What is Spiritual Consciousness. Pr. OM Cherenzi Lind
- Why not face the Truth Intelligently. Anatomy of present-day human tragedy. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- Open Letter to Christendom. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig. 34 p.
- VITAL PROPOSITION. For immediate consideration by all the nations of the whole World, presented before the UNITED NATIONS´XVth General Assembly. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig. 9 p.
- The Scientific Conquest of Life. By H.H. Pr. OM Schernrezig Lind
- The Great Solution. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- Life above time and space dimensions. OM Cherenzi.
- Fundamental of Philosophy. Maestro K.H.
- Sacred Dynamics and Symbology of the Universal Holy Realm.
- Vital Science of Sexology – Geriatry. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Sainthood and Sexuality. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- Sexual Sublimation. Magus Incognitus
- The Tenth Kalki Avatar.
- The Holy Initiation. Maestro K.H.
- The Mathematics of Philosophy and Psychology. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- The Mathematics of Philosophy, adn Philosophy of Mathematics. Pr. OM Cherenzi Lind
- Mathematics and Philosophy. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Call to the modern Lion Hearted and Lotus Minded Forbears of the Budhi Dharma.Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Spiritual Science. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Spiritual Renaissance. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- The Cosmic Voice. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Confidential Message to the Leaders of the thinking world. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- Message to the Youth of Asia (1933). By Lord Abbot.
- Message to the All-India Oriental Conference (1934). By Lord Abbot.
- Message to the All-Indian Philosophical Congress (1934. By Kut Humi Lal Singh
- General Report of the Grand Assembly of the Permanent “WORLD CONGRESS OF MAN” (of all the Religions, Faiths, Fraternities and Philosophies. Cuba, 1960)
- General World Report for 1966. Essentials of the New Age Spiritual Testament – Message for modern Mankind.
- The Greatest Economic Revolution of all Times. By H.H. Prince OM Schernrezig
- The Supreme Effort. Operation Cosmic Consciousness.
- Ratauvea. A scientist´s idyl in the Pacific.Pr.OM Lind Schernrezi.
- Holy Realm. Memorandum to the UNITED NATIONS.
- Templar Facts. Maestro K.H., 1.925.
- Practical Yoga for all. Pr. OM Cherenzi Lind
- Yoga scientifically explained. Pr. OM Cherenzi Lind
- The Spiritual Initiations in relation with the different dimensions on Nature (Lecture). By Lord Abbot.
- The Real Significance of the Eisenberg Principle of Indeterminancy (Thesis given before Mexican Academy of Sciences, Abril 1934). BY Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- The Natural Forces in Action (Lecture). By Lord Abbot.
- The Invisible Bodies of Men, and their Development. Pr. OM Cherenzi Lind
- A perfect Anesthetics. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig
- The Prolongation of Youth. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- The Ocult Qualities of the Blood. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- The Conquest of Fear and Sorrow. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- The Chakras. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- Psychosolution. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- My Dictionary. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- Human Biorhytms. Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- The Realm of Symbolism (Lecture). By Lord Abbot.
- Scientific approach to the problem of life (Plasmogeny) (Paper to American
- Association for the Advancement of Science (1934). By Pr. OM LInd Schernrezig
- The Modern Values and Orientations of Science and Art (Paper to the American Academy of Sciences) (1934). By Pr. OM Lind Schernrezig.
- The Trhee Characteristics of Life (Lecture). By Lord Abbot.
- What is Creative Thinking? (Lecture). By Lord Abbot.
- Delusions of Occultism (Lecture). By Lord Abbot.
- The New Spiritual Orientations of Mankind (Lecture). By Lord Abbot.
- The Real RC. . . . A Message and a Manifiesto (1934. By Lord Abbot.
- A False Alarm on the Eastern Front (1932) (Message). By Lord Abbot.
- The Turning of the Wheel of the Law (1933) (Magzine Article).By Lord Abbot.
- Is there a Philosophy of Life? (Lecture). By Lord Abbot.
- How can we change human nature (Lecture). By Lord Abbot.
- Is there a Collapse of Philosophy? (Lecture). By Lord Abbot.
- The Value of Mythology (Lecture). By Lord. Abbot.
- The Magic Powers (Lecture).By Lord Abbot.
- Biopsychosomatic (Curso de Estudio)
- General Treatise of Initiatic Philosoophy for the Brethren of the Rose Cross (Course of Study).
- Spiritual Consciousness (Course of Study).
- Creative Consciousness (Course of Study).
- Cosmotherapy (Course of Study)
- Practical and Rehabilitating Philosophy (Course of Study)
- Fundamental Philosophy (Course of Study)
- Neuroendocrinology (Course of Study)
- Esoteric Masonry (Course of Study)